This morning we shall be continuing our series on Jesus’ “I am” sayings, with “I am the way, the truth and the life.” This will be led by members of the church.
6.30 pm: Service led by Rev John Izzard (at Gunville, joint with Newport Methodist).
On the premises this week:
Monday: 2.00-3.15 Bowls Wednesday: Nellie’s 2-4
Tuesday: 10.00 am The Ark Saturday morning: Journalling, Hall 10.30-12
Next Sunday, 22nd October:
“I am the true vine” (John 15). Our preacher will be Mary White.
Praying for our streets:
This week in our 5-week cycle we are praying for The Bramleys, Alvington Manor View (including the new houses) and Fox Place. You might like to have a walk, perhaps with a friend from church.
Guides and Macmillan
Latest total for Macmillan cancer support from the Guides’ coffee morning is £250. Well done, and thanks to those who supported.
Christmas Tree:
The IOW Council is asking that permission be given by all landowners for Christmas trees to be installed. In our case, the Church Council needs to give this permission. On Sunday evening, Rev John will ask Council members to do this (briefly!).
Another Answer Smash
Do you watch TV quiz shows? The Eggheads always know who did what in Greek mythology; students on University Challenge can tell you the different sorts of polymers; Mastermind contestants can tell you Taylor Swift’s first no.1. But is there anything like the expression of joy and wonder on the face of a young person who has just understood something, or mastered a technique, for the first time? (- Martin)
Here’s one of Ruth’s passages from Jeff Lucas on 2 Timothy 3:7: “Always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.”
It’s a danger that we all face as disciples of Jesus. And perhaps those who preach and teach are especially vulnerable to this temptation. Faith can descend into a mere intellectual pursuit, where information is prized and gained, but there is no application in daily life. When that rot sets into our hearts, we will be destined to repeat the same mistakes, sins over and over. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to challenge our hearts – are there circles of repeated behaviour that have become patterns in our lives for years, even decades? Addictions don’t announce themselves, and they are often compounded by denial. We tell ourselves that we can break free and embrace obedience any time we choose, but we just don’t get around to choosing well.
[From a commentary on 2 Timothy:]
“This verse is not opposing education; rather, it is warning about ineffective learning. It is possible to be a perpetual student and never graduate to putting theory into practice. But honest seekers and true students look for answers. The accumulation of seminars, classes, Bible studies, and books without specific application in our daily lives can easily become our own version of what Paul was describing here. Remember this as you study God’s Word. Seek to find God’s truth and will for your life.” (B B Barton)
Paul says that the women [men as well if you read the whole chapter] are “always learning” (apparently always anxious to learn something new like those in Athens who “spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas,” Acts 17:21) “but never able to acknowledge the truth.”
What sort of things do you expect to learn from a church service, Bible reading or a sermon?